The St. John’s Church Education Association (CEA) is a partnership between parents, educators, and church members who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and discuss topics that are relevant to what is happening in their school.
St. John’s CEA assists with the planning of various activities throughout the year in which the children and parents of the school may participate. The success of these programs, however, depends greatly upon the volunteer efforts of parents and supporters. Your gift of time is greatly appreciated as these activities would not be possible without it. The CEA is a great way for parents and church members to get involved, get to know other families and use your time and talents with events that promote fun, fellowship and learning throughout the year.
You DO NOT have to be a member of the church to participate in the CEA. Your child attending St. John’s School allows you to be part of this.
The first CEA Meeting of the year is yet to be determined, but should be in the August, you will be notified when a date is set. Regular meeting will be held in the upper grades classroom at school after the 9:00am church service, about 10:15am.
A tentative schedule is the third Sunday of every month:
September 18
November 20
January 15
March 19
May 21